Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Oxygen Mask Project

Today the The Oxygen Mask Project is republishing my post "Dear Diary".  I wrote the post originally for this blog, but I guess it strikes a cord in a lot of moms.  We all have those self-pity, self-loathing days where we think all of these negative thoughts about ourselves.   When we feel like we are just not enough or we don't even know who we are anymore.

Then we have to pick ourselves up...dust ourselves off and keep it moving, knowing that deep inside that we are doing the very best we can with what we have on any given day.  However, it is good to have a little self-reflection at times, because there is always room for a little self-improvement.  Please check out the "Dear Diary" over at The Oxygen Mask Project.

The Oxygen Mask Project also has a wonderful community on facebook.  Click HERE to check it out.

And if you haven't joined the Confessions facebook Community you are really missing out on an informative, supportive, good time!  See you there!